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Hello World!
- Authors
- Name
- Leonard Vincent Simon Pahlke
- @leonardpahlke
Hello and welcome to my website.
You will find articles here from time to time covering various topics in computer science.
I can't guarantee exactly what topics will be covered here, but my interest in the field is quite broad. From the Cloud and Kubernetes to project management, coding, git, linux and security, I'm interested in all of that and more. Maybe over time a thematic area will emerge - we'll see.
At the moment there are only articles planned on this website - not much more. But that might change in the future.
Apart from the article pages there is an "about me" page and a reference to the RSS feed.
As soon as I find time, I will add a comment function and an integrated way to contact me. Until then, feel free to reach me on Twitter or Kubernetes Slack @leonardpahlke.
Have a great rest of the day.
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